Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wild Cat Casino Method

kitten to leap
Much has been written about the advantages of playing casino games in an online casino as opposed to a land-based one. One of the most popular aspects of online play is that you can play from the comfort of your own home. Instead of standing around a crowded roulette table where everyone is yelling and your heart-rate is souring, you can log on from hope, sip a glass of wine, and even pet your cat while playing. While the excitement of online play and the prospect of winning big money will still make your heart beat a little faster, stroking the soft fur of your cat will bring a sense of calm to your play and let you focus on the game without intimidation. It is well documented that people with pet cats tend to be happier and less likely to get flustered. So use this knowledge to your advantage. Enlist your pet in your effort to win some real money. Hey, your cat has a vested interested in your winning if he or she wants the premium cat food. Just don’t try bringing your cat into a land-based casino. For some reason, the casino managers tend to frown on people bringing their pets with them to play. But who needs them anyway (the managers, not the cats.) Just play all your favorite games while sitting calmly at home with your pet at your side. Who knows, the calming influence of your cat may bring you luck.

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